009 - The Benefits of Hobbies and Passion Projects

During this episode, we each share about our own hobbies and passion projects, and explore why they are an important part of life. We each deeply care about our hobbies and having time for them – they help balance out our work-life and relationships.

Kristina starts off Weekly Wisdom and explains how important it is to be present – it’s all about the journey, not the destination. Sara reminds us it’s okay to rest and relax. And while we all know we love our coffee as heard on the Rituals & Routines episode, Lis shares that her limit is 1.5 cups of coffee after dealing with an annoying eye twitch.

We each open up about our hobbies – and surprisingly we all have different interests and passion projects. Kristina is a bookworm, and loves how reading let’s you escape. She also finds calmness and joy in knitting projects. Being the queen of self-care and growth, Kristina is taking an energy healing course by Joe Dispenza called, The Formula, with her close friends.

Sara talks about her passion for all things food and how she uses her Instagram page, @the.blonde.bites, to share about it. She also explains how sports and fitness activities is a hobby in itself.

Lis’ hobby is writing – she shares her work through her inspiring blog, Womanhood Unwrapped, and has bigger plans for her wordsmithing that we’ll know more about later this year. Lis also bakes and loves how it allows her to spend time with her children.

We talk about taking on new hobbies. Althoguh it’s anti-aging and good to evolve, do we really want to start something new? On that note, we want to know about your hobbies. Maybe hearing about our listeners’ hobbies will inspire us, so comment on our Instagram or Facebook about yours!


Join the GSPR monthly book club, see more about here

Learn more about consulting with Kristina Godfrey, here

The course Kristina is taking, The Formula by Joe Dispenza

The book Kristina mentions, The Law of Attraction by Abraham Hicks

Lis references this podcast, Pulling the Thread

Read what Lis is writing, Womanhood Unwrapped

This week’s quote is by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Listen to the full episode:


001 - She Means Business. How To Be Intentional With Your Career.


008 - When Generational Trauma Affects Parenting: How to Stop the Cycle & Heal with Tina Hamilton