003- She Said, He Said: Women Politics & Relationships

In this episode, we navigate the fascinating world of women's politics and the ever-curious gossip that often swirls around our lives.
Join us as we explore the week's wisdom shared by our hosts. Kristina opens up about the profound idea that mistakes can be our greatest teachers in life. She encourages us to reframe our experiences and find the silver lining in every situation, turning adversity into opportunity. Sara, in her wisdom, discusses her journey of changing perspectives in unfortunate circumstances, offering insights into the power of shifting our outlook on life's challenges.
Lis speaks on having the conversations we want to have without the fear of undesirable outcomes. She guides us in deciding what's truly worth investing our energy in, empowering us to engage in meaningful dialogues.
This episode is all about women in different stages of life who share a common desire for friendships, whether some are married or have kids. We candidly discuss the dynamics of relationships, both the joys and challenges that come with them, and the unfortunate phenomenon of shaming that often creeps into our lives. Our conversation touches on how the roots of gossip can even be found in childhood and the valuable advice we pass on to our kids to navigate social dynamics.
We address the importance of boundaries and the notion that we can't change anyone else, but we can choose how we feel and respond in various situations. Learn how to avoid the victim mentality in relationships and take control of your emotional well-being.
Tune in as we navigate the complexities of women's lives, from politics and gossip to friendships and self-growth. Join us for an engaging and insightful conversation that celebrates the strength and resilience of women in all stages of life.


004- Intuition Insights with Janet Rae Orth


002- Her Body, Her Health: Unspoken Topics with Erica Ziel